Happy four year Anniversary to me! And a heartfelt message.

Hello people, Wassup? Long time, no see huhh?

So, a few days ago or maybe some weeks ago, I got a notification from WordPress that I have completed 4 years. It felt surreal, it felt like it was yesterday when I was super bored and I thought, how to utilise this time, and then I installed WordPress and started writing.

I might not be a very good writer, but I can assure you whatever I write, every single word in my site is straight out of my heart.

Despite me being so flawed, you all have always been so supportive, you have read the posts of an unknown person, related to her, wrote your feelings in the comments, and for all of them I am grateful to every single one of you.

Here’s me taking this opportunity to say to all a very big Thank you. Really, Thank you guys.

There are times when I do want to quit, I keep procrastinating, but when I see how hard you all are working on your blogs, when I see the beauty in all of your blogs, it inspires me to do it again.

So, if you do sometimes want to quit like I feel, remember that somewhere out there is a person who is inspired and in awe by you. So, don’t dismiss your passion to write.

In the world of reels and shorts, let’s be a reason to motivate the culture of reading and writing.

Kudos to us all! Bye bye people, until next time!

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